The Dragon Quest Series Part 2: Evolution and Insanity
When I purchased Dragon Quest I off the Nintendo eShop, I snatched up Dragon Quest II at the same time because I figured with how old and cheap the first game is I'd beat it quickly. About 4 hours later, my intuition turned out to be correct. Originally released in 1987, roughly 10 months after the first one, Dragon Quest II sought to expand upon the foundations of the first one, adding meat to the first game's bare-bones structure, and in the process created one of the most frustrating JRPGs ever made. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Dragon Quest II takes place a hundred years after the events of the first game. The evil wizard Hargon has ordered a campaign of evil upon the land, sacking the city of Moonbrooke. You play as the Prince of Midenhall, a direct descendant of the hero from the first game, who goes on a journey across the land to stop Hargon. Along the way, he is joined by his cousins, the Prince of Cannock and the Princess of Moonbrooke, making Dragon Quest...